
Pentagon Renovation Wedges 2-5

About the Project

The Pentagon is the largest low-rise office building in the world, making the renovation of Wedges 2-5 the largest renovation project in contemporary history. The 4.5 million square foot聽design-build project included complete demolition and abatement down to the concrete structure; hardening of the exterior envelope; upgrading of all MEP and Life Safety Systems; building flexible office and command center space; restoring numerous historical building features and relocating the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Military Command Center. The renovations spanned over a decade, during two active wars requiring extreme sensitivity to not impede 24/7 military operations during the massive renovation.

Quick Facts

  • Location Arlington, VA
  • Client Pentagon Renovation & Construction Office
  • Industry Government + Justice
  • Line of Business Construction
  • Completion Date February 2011
  • Contract Value $ 1,663,000,000
  • Sustainability Wedges 2 & 3 - Certified; Wedge 4 - Silver; Wedge 5 - Gold
  • Square Footage 4,500,000 SF

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